Zoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS电子商务平台

6 Monate Support Mit einem product haltens6 Monate Support from Autor. Um mehr dardarber zu erfahren,是Sie enthalten, lesen Sie bite die Support-Richtlinie.

shoppingBag Verkäufe: 27


Erstellt: 04.11.2016

Aktualisiert: 04.11.2016

ID: 61999

Zoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS - e- commerce - vorage - Eigenschaften BildZoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS电子商务- vorage - Eigenschaften Bild 2Zoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS电子商务- vorage - Eigenschaften Bild 3Zoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS - e- commerce - vorage - Eigenschaften Bild 4Zoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS电子商务- vorage - Eigenschaften Bild 5Zoe Fashion Responsive MotoCMS - e- commerce - vorage - Eigenschaften Bild


Zoe v1.2 (24 January, 2020): -增加了以下小部件的视觉编辑和样式的机会:相关产品, Authorization, Forgot Password, Registration, Checkout, Account, Product Properties, Comparison List, Shopping Card; - Wish List functionality was added. 它带来了相关的小部件:愿望列表和添加到愿望列表. Now logged-in users can add products to wish list; - The new Breadcrumbs widget was added to the admin panel. This graphic control element aims to simplify the entire navigation on the website; - Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version; - Bugs fixed. Zoe v1.1(2019年3月14日):-在管理面板中添加了新的小部件. 现在管理员可以将相关产品添加到产品页面中. Moreover, the new version allows clients to compare products on a separate page; - The new Filters widget was added to the admin panel. 它允许访问者按品牌过滤产品, pricing, and other properties to boost the searching process and make it more effective; - Google Map Pro - a new advanced Google Map widget was added to the admin panel. Using it, 你不仅可以连接到谷歌地图,并在网站页面上显示你的办公地点, but also choose different map themes, customize the controls display and add the necessary markers; - Tabs widget was added to allow users organize content effectively; - Tags and Categories for Blog are added to the admin panel. They will help you to sort out your content and so will make the search on your blog comfortable and efficient for users; - Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version; - Bugs fixed.

9 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

Очень крутой шаблон! Весьмабыстроразобрался,переделалподзапросыипожеланияклиента,сейчасзанимаюсьзаполнением! Да, есть маленькие косяки в движке этом, но спасибо техподдержке, онибыстрореагируютивносятнеобходимыедляменякорретивывработуинастройкукодадвижка. Оченьдоволенпокупкой,собираюсьвскореприобрестиещеодиншаблон:)
Хорошосделанныйшаблонсхорошейподборкойцветов. Спасибо.
佐伊是一个伟大的响应模板,开始任何电子商务业务. 我不是一个专家,对网站建设一无所知,所以它是完美的我作为一个新手. I like everything in the admin panel. 此外,我可以随时寻求帮助,感谢伟大的客户支持.
MotoCMS offers great eCommerce solution. 我喜欢这个模板的设计,因为它很漂亮,而且完全是定制的. I do everyrthing myself. 网站建设者是有用的监测你的统计数据每天, 该平台是seo优化和工作非常快.
别惊讶,Zoe的目标和内衣店完全不同. 从产品提供的角度来看,我发现这个模板非常详细. 该设计适合任何在线商店,易于管理.

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4,8 /5
Support rating (8 ratings) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 7 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 0
Reaktionszeit: Fast 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Additional Info:

Gallery Script:


Moto CMS Version:

Web Forms:


Curl Curl
The mod_rewrite Apache module The mod_rewrite Apache module
PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4
MySQL 5.1+ MySQL 5.1+
Spl Spl
Reflection Reflection
Json Json