Writey - AI作家服务HTML登陆页模板

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创建: 2023年9月22日

更新: 2024年3月20日

ID: 360135

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

35万件| 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | 支持 加入下载此项目  免费
Writey - AI作家服务HTML登陆页模板 - Features Image 1Writey - AI作家服务HTML登陆页模板 - Features Image 2


你准备好彻底改变你的人工智能写作服务了吗? Look no further than "Writey" - the ultimate AI Writer 服务 HTML 着陆页 Template that combines stunning design with powerful functionality. 无论你是一个内容创造者, 或文案, 或者运行一个人工智能写作服务, Writey会帮你的.

迷人的设计和布局 干净而现代的设计, Writey散发着专业和创造力, making your 着陆页 visually appealing 和 unforgettable. But that's not all - it offers both light 和 dark themes to cater to your users' preferences 和 adapt to any lighting environment seamlessly. Writey's 响应 design ensures a flawless experience on all devices, from desktop to mobile.

〇无与伦比的功能 Writey boasts a myriad of features that make it the top choice for AI writing services. Its RTL (Right-to-Left) language support ensures that your 着陆页 is accessible to a global audience, 包括非拉丁文字用户,如阿拉伯语和希伯来语. The template also includes a PHP联系人表单提交, 让潜在客户毫不费力地取得联系.

〇令人印象深刻的用户参与度 Writey doesn't just look good; it engages your visitors with interactive animations 和 effects that leave a lasting impression. Showcase your credibility with testimonial 和 review sections, 和 provide answers with ease using the built-in support for the FAQ section. Customizable sliders 和 carousels allow you to highlight your content.

兼容性和卓越性能 Writey是建立在卓越的思想. It adheres to W3C-validated HTML 和 CSS st和ards, ensuring maximum compatibility. You can trust Writey to work seamlessly across all major 网络 browsers, 这要归功于它的跨浏览器兼容性. 它还针对搜索引擎进行了优化, 让你的登陆页更容易被发现, 和 it loads lightning-fast to keep your visitors engaged.

持续的支持和可访问性 Rest easy with Writey's promise of regular updates 和 ongoing support. 我们相信所有人的无障碍, which is why Writey is designed to be accessible to users with disabilities, 确保包容性.

最大化你的在线存在 Connect with your audience effortlessly by integrating social media buttons. Share your content, increase your fame, 和 exp和 your reach with just a click.

定制在您的指尖- Writey的SCSS文件使其完全可定制, allowing you to tailor it to your br和's unique style 和 personality. Plus, the back-to-top button enhances navigation for an even smoother user experience.

Writey - AI作家服务HTML登陆页模板 is not just a template; it's the gateway to unlocking your AI writing service's potential. 它融合了高超的设计技巧, 强大的功能, 以用户为中心的设计, Writey为你的成功奠定了基础. Get started today 和 captivate your audience like never before!


  1. 干净现代的设计.
  2. RTL (Right-to-Left) language support for non-Latin scripts like Arabic 和 Hebrew.
  3. PHP联系人表单提交.
  4. The template features both light 和 dark themes to accommodate users' preferences 和 lighting environments.
  5. 所有设备的响应式设计.
  6. 全面的文档,便于定制.
  7. 互动和引人入胜的动画和效果.
  8. Testimonial 和 review sections for social proof 和 credibility.
  9. 对FAQ部分的内置支持.
  10. 可定制的滑块和轮播显示内容.
  11. W3C验证了HTML和CSS以获得最大的兼容性.
  12. 与所有主要网络浏览器的跨浏览器兼容性.
  13. Built using the latest technologies 和 coding st和ards.
  14. 定期更新和持续支持.
  15. 为残障人士提供无障碍设计.
  16. 针对搜索引擎进行优化.
  17. 快速加载时间,提高性能.
  18. 社交媒体按钮增加知名度.
  19. 完全可定制的SCSS文件.
  20. 回到顶部按钮,更容易导航.


  • 着陆页LTR (从左至右).
  • 登陆页RTL (从右至左).


我们知道你的时间很宝贵, 当涉及到经营企业时, 技术问题可能是一个主要的挫折. That's why we provide unmatched 24/7 support for our HTML templates, 这样你就能在你需要的时候得到你需要的帮助.


This template is fully coded 和 built on top of Open Sources, more details here:

  • 引导 -开源前端框架.
  • 引导图标 Free, high-quality, open-source icon library with over 2000 icons.
  • Blendicons -一个简单而强大的图标设计工具
  • 波普尔.js -一个非常适合处理罂粟花的图书馆.
  • 先进的 - css驱动的“滚动”动画库.
  • 棱镜 一个轻量级的、可扩展的语法高亮(We used it to improve the visual appearance of the documentation).


We are thrilled to announce that our template has been enriched with a selection of images sourced from various reputable 网络sites like unsplash.compexels.com. These stunning visuals have been thoughtfully curated to elevate the aesthetic appeal of our product, 和 we are delighted to offer them to you as part of the product download. We hope that you will enjoy the added visual flair that these images bring to our template.


  • HTML模板 (包括HTML、CSS、JavaScript、SCSS和PHP文件).
  • 文档 (well-written instructions to help you easily customize the template).


  • 下载并将文件夹解压缩到计算机中.
  • Open the folder containing the HTML files of the template in your chosen code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code或Sublime Text).
  • 通过更新内容标记来编辑内容. You can use Ctrl+F (or Comm和+F on Mac) to select the text.
  • 根据需要替换图像.
  • 在本地网络浏览器中预览更改.




  • 更新到最新的引导 v5.3.3
  • 固定文本阅读的移动版本
  • 在每个部分添加一些空白

